Day 32 - ONWARD

For the past ten days or so there's been flock after flock of geese flying overhead. Something I've not seen in such numbers. Hundreds of geese in various formations. Long lines. Short Vs. Longs Vs. Some in between having lost their way or fallen behind. Or about to join a new flock honking on the horizon.

It's been a real treat watching them. Seeing the cleverness of their choreography. And the way they collectively find their way across the sky. No pushing or jostling or hissy-fitting. Just calmly, kindly, swiftly soaring, calling each other onward.

Whilst being inspired by this sight, I've also felt a sadness. Due, I think, to missing people and of flying in a flock. With that shared sense of purpose and direction. 

These days I've felt a bit dislocated. And a lot grounded. As many of us, I guess, are feeling just now. Missing that sense of togetherness. Being in the same room. Laughing, eating, sharing our stories and lives together.

I'm so so thankful for Mr P just now. And our friends, Mark and Liane. Whose garden we live down in our caravan. Who we chat and pray with every week-day morning. And eat with, usually on a Friday, with whoever's around. Small, regular things that have kept us going these past few months in different ways.

So there is a sense of community here. And of support. Good good things all round. But it's friends further afield I'm missing. And friends I've flown with in flocks gone by.

Just before lockdown I bought a book of twelve 2nd class stamps. With the intent of writing letters to friends such as these. Looking in my purse just now, I've still got half left. The others have been used to send birthday cards, as I would normally do. But no letters. As yet anyway.

And so to these cards I've made today. Each one representing a goose in a flock. Each one to send to a friend. To reconnect. To encourage. And let them know they're missed.

Probably the most poignant song I've heard on the radio this year is "We'll Meet Again." And I really hope we will. But til then, we'll just have to improvise. And find ways of reaching out and staying together. Calmly, kindly and keeping on calling each other onward.