Today I just want to stop a moment and have a breather. And a ponder. The first of a few SELAH moments no doubt. 

It's been a good, good week. Have so enjoyed it. Just to give space to things I've been wanting to do for a while. And begin to look ahead. Into this next season and decade of life. And be asking, what's next? Hence this being a playful pilgrimage towards the big 5 0, as well as a fundraiser/fun raiser. A chance to journey inwards and ask the deeper questions and process things. After all the changes and shifts of the past few years. And the adjustments we're all having to make in this present pandemic.

Howard Thurman

I love this quote. Have heard it many a time and it always resonates. It's something I've endeavoured to live by but not always succeeded. The times when I've over-empathised and assumed the world's needs. And how to meet them. Only to wear myself out and get angry and upset at the world in the process. 

Right now it feels odd to be taking a step back. When there's so much that can and needs to be done in the world just now. There's times this week when I've felt bad and a bit embarrassed about this current focus on fun. Like I'm being insensitive or really selfish.

But I take heart from The Flying Seagulls. Who are the inspiration for this challenge. Who play for a living. In extremely difficult places. Bringing life, love and laughter to kids whose lives have been blighted in all kinds of ways. A group of people doing what makes them come alive. And passing the joie de vivre on.