The only things I've really planned for these coming days is that there'll be 50 and that I'll be raising money for The Flying Seagull Project. What happens beyond that is mostly unknown. A case of going with the flow and seeing what emerges. 

I had thought of writing a list of things. Or putting 50 ideas in a hat and pulling one out every day. But neither felt very freeing. Or realistic. Ticking things off a list or doing something that the hat dictates each day might easily become a duty or a pressure. And I really don't want that for this. Sort of defeats the whole object.

So today. I'd heard about a group of city wild gardeners preparing for an event later this week who needed help making banners and bunting and so on. Which sounded fun. Especially on such a beautiful sunny day. So I thought I'd join them. And gleefully set off in the van.

But for whatever reason I got lost trying to find them. And v hot and bothered in the process. So instead I set off to Asda to top up on diesal and have a rethink. Only to get there and proceed to miss the entrance. Thus finding myself bowling up the road with no turning place in sight and feeling more and more hot and bothered.

A fun day it was not becoming.

However, as I turned a corner further on, there before me was a sight that made me whoooooop. Something really, really apt for these 50 days and an almost tailor-made nod to The Flying Seagulls and their clowning great work in refugee camps across Europe. A massive great circus...

So I pulled in to the car park right beside it and just stared. Couldn't get over the serendipity of it. What a find. 

Eventually I got out and had a nosey. As much as I could anyway. Took some photos and then had a chat with a woman who I recognised as one of the trapeze artists from the billboard just by her. About how long they were there for and the logistics of entertaining an audience in these Covid 19 days. 

And then I went to the van and had a cup of tea. With great rejoicing. Felt so encouraged. And even more inclined to let this thing roll. And see where its giddy heart takes it. Big relief.