Day 1 - GIFT

What a way to start this fun filled adventure. Dancing with my Mum in the sun in a clearing in a wood. The woman who brought me into this world nearly 5 decades ago. From whom I’ve had mirth since my birth. And with whom I’ve shared many a giggle since. 

We hadn't planned this little number. Or rehearsed in any way. Just decided to do it. In a special place with some special people. 

Our dear friend, Mag, took us to a community/memorial wood where there's a couple of trees planted to remember her husband, Bri, and daughter, Sharon, who she lost both to cancer; Bri last summer and Sharon nearly 13 years ago. It's a place she often goes to, just to sit and be. And there's a tangible sense of peace there. In spite of the industrial rail line nearby.

It was good to go anyway and remember with her. Good for my Dad especially who grew up with Bri, his oldest mate. A bloke who loved a laugh. As did Sharon. So it didn't seem out of place to dance there. Or disrespectful. We all just thought they'd be laughing with us.

So we did it. Mum leading the way, having learnt the dance with her "Mature Movers" group over the summer. In a field somewhere on the Isle of Wight. 

What I hadn't realised, which made it special again, was that Grandma (Mum's Mum) died on the 14th September. And that Sharon got married on the 14th September too. So a significant day. A day to be thankful for them and for Bri. For the gift of having known them and the joy they brought to us all.

So, this Fifty Fun Things thing, I've a feeling it'll be more than just a fun thing. More than just a giggle. I've a feeling it'll be many layered. With moments of poignancy as well as playfulness along the way. A journey of the giddy heart with all its depth and delight.