Day 49 - CHEER

What better way to spend the last day of being 49 than raising a glass with my lovely family. Mum, Dad, Alec, Freya, Ferdy and Felix. From their New Forest pub to our van in a carpark in Lossiemouth. Thanks to the wonders of WhatsApp. 

It's been a weird year. And a year when family has felt particularly missed. Even though it's not often we meet up. Maybe two or three times a year at the most. 

But this year. There's been a lot going on. And family has felt all the more precious and in need of cherishing.

I love this lot. They're all amazing in their different and wonderful ways. And I wish I could have seen them more this year.

But the times when we have have been GOOD. And all the more gooder because of all that's going on.

Really good to see them today anyway. And to have them cheering me on, on this penultimate day. And fab for them too, to be able to get together, a year on from the last time.

So here's to them. And to me and Mr P. To life, love and laughter.